Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Song and dance

I found myself in the middle of a parade today. A parade in the middle of my living room. The music was Geography Songs (Central Africa Republic). Olivia (7), Ethan(5), and Elijah(3) were marching to the tunes of the song and playing as many instruments as they could hold at one time. They even got Emma(10mo.) in on the fun of it...taking turns pushing her around the room in her high chair in line with the rest of us as she was enjoying a snack of cut cherries and cheerios. In the middle of starting a load of laundry and putting some folded clothes away, one of the children handed me a tambourine and I joined in the fun: dancing and singing around my living room. I was in comfy clothes, without makeup on. We had taken a small break from school work. Everyone was so happy and having so much fun.

For a brief moment I was taken back to when I was around 18 or 19 years old. I was in love with my boyfriend (soon to be husband). I wondered what my life would be like 10 years from that point. And now here I was. Fast forwarded to the present. Was this what I expected? Is this were any of my friends are at this point in their lives? I would have to say no to both of the above. I did not know what to expect when Matt and I started our lives together. I knew I wanted a large family, but talking about it and actually living it and creating it day by day is another story. In that moment of marching, singing, African lyrics, kiddy instruments, dancing, and laughing, I knew that this was it! This was my destiny. It's simple and seemingly insignificant to so many in the world these days, but for me it's perfect. It's my calling. My purpose. I am a mother. And there is no greater joy...

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