Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How do you see it?


Last week I went grocery shopping alone. I was 37 weeks pregnant. It is always an adventure going to the grocery store, seeing the variety of people that will be there.  On this particular occasion, I kept passing a man and woman with what appeared to be their grandson. They were all dressed in a way that made me think they might be on their way to church, being it was an early Sunday evening.  The little boy was about 2, and he was lagging behind his grandparents to such a degree that made me uncomfortable. But, as with many things that I see when out and about, I had to keep moving forward, and try not to let it bother me. After gathering all the things on my list, I headed to the front to check out. I ended up pulling into a line right behind this couple and their grandson. I watched as they seemed very put out with the little boy, as he tootled around jibber jabbering about this and that. Then his eyes caught mine, and he tried to start a conversation with me, the best way he knew how in his little toddler jargon.  About that time, the grandfather looked at me, and noticing that I was quite pregnant said, "Are you ready for this?" (motioning his hand toward the toddler). I replied with a smile and said, "Well, actually I am. I have four other children at home." He moved closer to me, with a half smile, and an astonished look on his face and said, "What is wrong with you??" Many emotions flooded my mind, and I quickly asked the Lord for a soft answer. I replied, again with a smile, "Nothing is wrong with me". I could tell he was unsure of what to say next. His wife started fumbling over her words and saying how she just thinks they would have done better, and that it would have been easier to have a grandchild earlier in life (although they were not that old...). They were obviously not into this child, or taking care of him. It was very sad to me, but I know it is not uncommon. They painted such a picture with their faces and body language, it was undeniable of their true feelings. Very sad.

This week I went to the grocery again, except this time I had all four of my children with me. We made our way through the store with minimal glares, and no comments. We were finally finishing up in the produce section, and an elderly lady quickly made her way over to me. She said, "Certainly these are not all your children? And you are expecting another!" "Yes ma'am, they are." I replied with a grin. She just smiled and looked at them all and said, "You are blessed of the Lord!" It was so refreshing to hear some kind words from a stranger!


There was such a vast contrast in these two people that I encountered. The first one, looked at me with disdain...shock and awe...that I wanted children, that I enjoyed children. The second one, was in some way a kindred spirit...knowing that I am not weird, but blessed to have my little lambs.

Psalm 127:3-5  Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.
Hug and kiss your babies today.
Don't see them as a burden.
Don't see them as someone who is getting in your way, and keeping you from all of your daily plans. Don't be ashamed of your children in public, no matter how many you have, when people glare or make comments.
Be encouraged when other's bless you.
Know what the Lord thinks, how HE sees you, and what HIS comments are!

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

See them as what they are...a gift from the LORD! What more could any one ask for?