Sunday, November 10, 2013

Leaving no time...

When was the last time you heard from God about something small in your life that he wanted you to let go of? Did you listen to Him? Did you put it off, thinking your own mind was talking to you and not Holy Spirit? I believe so many of those little nudges from Him, get ignored. Things that if we just followed and obeyed, would lead us closer to Jesus; closer to ridding our lives of idols. 
 They can be silly things really, but things that take up so much of our time, so much of our "attention"...that they push Jesus and our relationship with him to the a place where it never should be. He decreases, and that thing, that entertainment, whatever it may, be rises to the forefront of our life.
It can become an idol. It can happen slowly, over time, but before you know it you may be addicted so to speak. You may let it consume your every spare moment. Leaving no time to talk to God. Leaving no time to commune with Holy Spirit. Leaving no time to worship at His feet.
Could it even go as far as to take your attention away from your children? From your spouse? Do you let it rob you of sweet moments you could be looking at your child, taking in the beauty of what they might want to be sharing with you, but you miss it because you are distracted with this idol? Do you miss moments you could be connecting with your husband? Do you miss the moments you have together because you are distracted?
Is this idol worth it? Is God trying to speak to you? He was speaking to me. I want to be ready to lay anything down at His feet...big or small. I want to hear and obey. I want to get anything out of my life that keeps me from being a better wife, a better mom, a better daughter, and sister. I want to get anything out of my life that keeps me from being a better child of God. I want to be filled with Holy Spirit. I want him to feel welcome at any moment in my life...not like He has to try and squeeze in and be noticed, or felt, or heard from.
Life filled with work, school, laundry, meals, errands, etc. is busy enough, don't let "things", or any form of entertainment become first in your life. Slow down the pace. Become "old school" if you will. Cherish Jesus more that anything. Cherish your family. Listen for that still, small voice and follow Him.
But Samuel replied, "What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.
1 Samuel 15:22