Friday, January 10, 2014

This one thing~

Some days just seem to flow so smoothly. Like a well oiled machine. You wake up and things fall into place. You get jobs done quickly and with ease, and with few interruptions. Your mind can rest, and just enjoy the ride. You are still busy, and you still work hard, but the day is productive, and all is well.
Then there are the not so smooth days. The days you wake up behind, and you find yourself racing to catch up. It is not a time thing, it's something in the atmosphere. Something that can't be helped. A feeling.
A day when the baby cries every time you try to put her down.
A day when the laundry is piled high, and a sea of interruptions keep you from catching up.
A day when dishes don't get done.
A day when children need help with all their independent school assignments.
A day when carpets need vacuuming, tile needs sweeping, and rugs need shaking.
A day when everyone seems hungry all the time, and it is hard to make it out of the kitchen.
A day when five little sets of eyes look at you longingly, ten little hands reach for yours, and five little bodies need your embrace...
A day when you want to snap at their needs, their frustrations, their demands...because there is so much to do.
Just take a look around.
It's a beautiful mess...
Take a deep breath and "do the next thing".
(Those are the words of my encouraging husband.)
Days may not be perfect.
You may not be able to get it all (or much of anything) done.
But when you are feeling overwhelmed and covered up with all that life demands,
Just focus on the next task in front of you.
Whether it's washing a load of sheets,
making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich,
helping a third grader with his math and a fifth grader study for her Bible test.
Whether it's teaching a little one new chores,
soothing a toddler who got a boo-boo.
Whether it's trying to squeeze in some exercise,
or cuddling a baby who so desperately wants and needs your everything...
Just focus on the thing that is before you.
Ask God for His grace.
Ask Him for His patience.
Ask Him for His strength.
Resist frustration.
Resist feeling angry and having self pity.
Embrace where you are.
Take the next step,
and focus on this one thing.
. .

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