Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Tonight I am filled with joy as I close out my 32nd birthday. I spent the day with my precious family.
Thirty-one was a blessed year. It began with announcing to our little ones that we were expecting a new member of the family. December, January, February,  and March were spent muddling through feeling terrible with a new little one growing inside me.  I spent many days over the summer with my mom sewing, eating, sipping coffee, and preparing for baby to come, while my husband diligently worked very hard getting a new business off the ground. I got to bring forth a new life...little Ivy Joy. An added treasure and blessing to our quiver. I have cherished many days at home nourishing my little ones in their character, checking attitudes, training in daily chores, watching them play and learn and grow. Baking, cleaning, laundering, nursing, laughing. We made another life long memory with our big east coast trip. Three weeks of sightseeing, driving, and lots of  TIME soaking up being together. Seven people in a Yukon XL, packed to the brim, just making our way up the east coast was an adventure. A beautiful adventure.  I am so thankful for all that my Lord has given me.  He is so good. So, tonight, on this cold December night, with baby in arm, sleeping children all around, and fresh peppermint hot chocolate in hand, I sign off...closing out day one of being thirty-two. :) my heart is full, and I am happy...

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