Recently I had an afternoon that leant itself to let me pray for a period of about fifteen minutes, undisturbed. The three older children were outside playing in the back yard. Emma was inside with me, being very clingy, and acting as my shadow. Ivy Joy was enjoying some floor time in the living room, while we lingered nearby.
There were several things pressing on my heart that needed prayer. I had some good worship music on, and I began to pray. I prayed some in my own words, but the majority of the time was spent walking around the room praying in my prayer language as Holy Spirit directed. This atmosphere, out in the open with children nearby is not the normal time or place I pray uninhibited and freely. We have lots of times we pray about the day, over meals, or for specific needs, but this was altogether different. It was a wonderful time. I walked with Emma and prayed, then I would put Emma down and walk with Ivy when she became disinterested with the floor.
Emma never said anything during this time of prayer. She stayed very near me and didn't wander off in the house to play. The minutes passed, the baby became hungry, and my time of prayer and worship came to a close. Some time later, Emma (3) climbed up in my lap and said, "Mamma...why were you talking in...talking in...Chinese earlier...when you prayed?" It was her first time hearing me pray like that out loud in the house, when she was around, and really paying attention.
I told her I wasn't speaking Chinese. I gave her a hug, and shared with her about God the Father, God the Son, and God the "Holy Spirit". And that when you are filled with His Holy Spirit, you can speak in other tongues. That He can pray through you. She took it all in and said, "Oh". With a smile she jumped down, and ran off to play.
I have no idea what she thought, or what she understood about what I said. But I do know that she was paying attention enough to know it was different.
I know we all have different levels of how and when we pray, but I encourage you to pray in front of and with your kids as the Spirit leads. It doesn't always have to be the same, but let them know you pray more than just at meal time.
I honestly felt condemnation enter in thinking, "She is three years old, almost four, and I am just now praying freely in the spirit in front of her. Surely there has been another time..."
And there may very well have been, either at church or what have you. But, this day, this time, meant something different to her.
I am speaking to myself more than anyone when I say,
be transparent with your walk with Jesus.
Be real with your children.
Lead by example.
Show them how to pray.
It is simple.
They are watching, and waiting to be led.
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 3:14-15